Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Iraqi Parliament responds to the US Congress: Its project against Judge Zidane is a dangerous precedent, 30 JUNE

The Iraqi Parliament responds to the US Congress: Its project against Judge Zidane is a dangerous precedent

Fourth – Baghdad

Today, Saturday, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Mohsen Al-Mandalawi considered the US Congress’ draft against the head of the judiciary, Judge Faiq Zaidan, a dangerous precedent and a violation of Iraq’s sovereignty.

Al-Mandalawi’s office stated in a statement received by Al-Rabaa, “The latter considered what was reported by American media regarding Republican Congressman (Mike Waltz) submitting a draft law amendment and including a clause affecting the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan, as a dangerous precedent to be added to the record of actions of the Biden government, which supported In public, it is the most horrific mass massacre committed by Zionist gangs against the people of Gaza, and today they threaten to attack the sovereignty of states and their symbols without a legal justification that allows them to do so.”

According to the statement, Al-Mandalawi called on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to “move through its diplomatic means and deliver a direct message that Iraq, with all its authorities, rejects such offensive interventions, which came from the American Congressman, describing them as tools of influence for other countries,” stressing that “Iraq is a sovereign country, and its relations with… “All countries are built on the foundation of mutual respect.”

He stressed that “the bill that is to be submitted to Congress by the Republican representative, if approved, will constitute a dangerous turning point that will affect, in one way or another, the nature of bilateral relations between the two countries.”

Al-Mandlawi stressed the full support of the House of Representatives for the “Chief of the Judicial Authority, and its absolute rejection of any abuse of his authority and that of all authorities,” noting “the keenness of the Presidency of the Council to follow up on these illegal actions and take all necessary measures to reject them.”–%D8%B9%D8%A7%D8%AC%D9%84

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