Friday, June 14, 2024

The Foreign Minister invites the European Union representative to visit Iraq, 14 June

 The Foreign Minister invites the European Union representative to visit Iraq

Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein invited, today, Friday, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Joseph Borrell, to visit Iraq.

A Foreign Ministry statement stated that “The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Mr. Josep Borrell, stressed in a telephone call with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Fuad Hussein, the importance of protecting the stability of Iraq, indicating that the European Union considers this part of its foreign policy priorities.” and security of the region.”

According to the statement, Borrell called for "the necessity of maintaining strong relations between the United Nations and its mission on the one hand and the Iraqi government on the other hand."

According to the statement, during the phone call, the two sides discussed "a group of issues related to European-Iraqi relations and the situation in the region."

In the field of bilateral relations, the Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed his "happiness with the development of relations between the two parties and reaching understandings in various fields, cooperation and joint work based on the partnership agreement signed between the two parties more than a decade ago." 

The statement added that "the call discussed the serious tensions in the region, and they expressed their support for the Security Council resolution on the ceasefire in Gaza," expressing at the same time their concern about the danger of expanding the scope of the war and its extension to southern Lebanon, noting that "the call also touched on The conference was held last Tuesday in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan regarding assistance to the people of Gaza, and they discussed the results of the conference.

The statement concluded that “Hussein invited Josep Borrell to visit Iraq, while Borrell expressed his happiness and agreement to accept the invitation, and agreed to arrange a date for the visit in the last quarter of this year.” "General".  link

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