Saturday, June 22, 2024



  • Fri. 21 June 2024 Wolverine member: “Hi Wolverine, my friend who is a HSBC bank manager here in Australia for the RV just told me that he was on call from now all weekend.”  Wolverine: “They were expecting for the funds to be released yesterday but it was cancelled. It looks like we are going to have our celebration on the weekend. It’s going to be a shotgun start.”


  • Thurs. 20 June 2024 Wolverine: “Ok the new rates should be posted today (Thurs. 20th June) in Iraq and expecting funds to be released either today Thurs. or Fri. 21 June in the USA. Let’s hope it happens as we cannot keep going like this as too many people are hurting. …Conference Call: “It’s looking good.”

    Tues. 18 June 2024 Wolverine

    • “I got some news – things have started. It is getting really emotional. I received a telephone call and will not mention names, but right now, the caller is at the bank about to receive his blessings. Things are happening. It is someone I know, close to me. We will hear more of this coming through.  
    • “We received an audio from the Pentecostal group, he is ready. They have liquid money and they have received funds to distribute funds to members. The Pentecostal group has about 3 million people so one person is not in charge of distributing. They have different leaders assigned to different platforms. He sent an audio saying all is ready to go. It was very exciting news for their people. I am not in that particular platform, but in another one of their platforms in that group. He came out with a text message saying it will be this week, but for their whole organization it will take them into August to pay all their members.
    • “Yesterday Mon. 17 June I was supposed to get a message from Reno that the Tier 4A group was supposed to go first. Unfortunately, I don’t know if anything has happened yet.  I did not receive a message from that source. Hopefully I will get some messages coming in from Reno. 
    • “I received a message from Zurich that it started a while ago. That is all I know. I do have European contacts, but none of said anything.
    • “Again, it is a process. Probably some people are getting paid, but for others it is not their turn yet. 
    • “For us in Tier 4B we are to get it this week.
    • “It is stressful, maybe Bruce may know more about this than I do. But today or tomorrow notifications for 4B should be released.  IF the bonds are getting paid, then surely the currencies will be coming out.
    • “It will be emotional, and I was emotional when the person called me that WAS at the bank. I am really happy for anyone receiving their blessings.
    • “I am not to talk about Mauricio, but they are getting close, but right now I need to stay quiet about his platform.
    • “I am sure this is going to happen soon, and then we will have Three things: 1) Live emergency call – 2) You tube video by friend of mine – a member with the Trumpets of freedom and then 3) The Opera. I will then un-mute the room so we all can celebrate!   Take care, Wolverine”

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