Wednesday, May 22, 2024





Bruce can make this short and sweet – we got information of a meeting yesterday evening and through the night with 64 individuals in Reno and designed to have two top people at the top of getting this done like Judy Shelton and they were told  - all right get to this meeting and decide when the emails are going to come out – so Bond Holder and US  - make that decision is going to be released either Wednesday or Tuesday which is today – 

so today we might be able to write off  - but Wednesday is in play and they reached a decision and it appears that this could go according to the result of the person on the ground  anytime – between 3 pm and 9pm tomorrow night  - if it’s tomorrow and not tonight – so we had a 30 hour window  - initially and that works and it could be  CW Thursday and start our exchanges Thursday.  

 The other intel comes from  a Precious Metals broker and he saying that this could go later tonight and manifest to us in the morning with all the new rates at 9am.    We haven’t had a call in a few days – and the rate was showing on Saturday and then on Sunday they started moving up  - coming onto the screens and yesterday moving and changing and going up in the values and going in the direction we expect and were supposed to be on the RC screens yesterday and today – so populating and moving at 90 miles an hour – 

was what was said.   Will they settle in overnight – generally speaking at banks that are doing exchanges they might fluctuate and change but stay roughly at the same rate  - I don’t know which it will be for us and one other piece of intel not confirmed the contract rate on the Dinar is going to be very VERY High and the reason to offer us that rate – we had the technology to get the gas from the wells and capture that – and CMG is natural and very affordable, in addition to the oil and takes the per barrel rate higher and the rate is based on that – like Turkey buying from Iraq and that’s a contract rate for us – so add on the gas and that is an enhanced price with more value coming out of that well, CMG is a great value and resource.

In addition around the globe with changes in leadership  - like Brazil and Iran with what happened recently and Singapore sovereign and having pulled away from Britain and now moving into their own sovereignty – So that’s what I wanted to bring and the metals broker was saying this could overnight night tonight and we’d wake to those emails in the morning and maybe we’ll get it in the afternoon and/or evening – but everybody left Reno at 6am this morning so they got it done and made a decision and we should have this overnight or tomorrow – and we received that this morning.    So Now Bruce going on to talk about Sue and her programmes.

So that’s our intel for tonight I’m sure – which again is FANTASTIC intel  but of course like Bruce keeps saying it JUST HAS TO BE RIGHT ONCE – JUST ONCE   - can’t be too much to ask for can it?    And of course without doubt  praying out the call – so please join with Bruce in that Prayer and keep praying until we ALL SEE THE FULL MANIFESTATION OF THIS HEAVENLY BLESSING WITH THOSE NOTIFICATIONS OR SAFE SECURE WEBSITE – DOESN’T MATTER  - but we do need that to make our wonderful exchange appointments.    Remember can Never have too many Prayers and ALL OUR PRAYERS ARE SO POWERFUL.   Love to you ALL Gem.   

Bruce just saying now we have a day and time  - be in an attitude of immense prayer and gratitude – which I know we ALL WILL BE.   


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