Tuesday, May 7, 2024



 Looks like all things are geared up for this coming week...the green light has been given. We will have a glorious upcoming week, and the notifications are coming out any day now

Sat. 4 May 2024 Wolverine

Hi guys Keep the faith as according to all sources this is about to kick off. I was told all platforms are liquid now and waiting to be disbursed. I want you all to say a prayer and thank God for what you are about to receive and thank him for being Chosen. Remember lift up your vibrations. God bless you all, Wolverine.

The official announcement came through last night Fri. 3 May. The president of the central bank of Brazil, Mr. Roberto Campos Neto signed the final document and this document establishes that releases begin on MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024, for the main majority and the first stage ends on  FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024.

The launches will continue MONDAY, MAY 13 and will end on FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2024, for the other recipients (G13, etc.).
Foreigners will board to their countries of origin on SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2024,after making payments. 

The signed document was delivered to the person responsible for payments to guarantee compliance with the dates, without delay.

I just received the following update from New York and Washington: “Bob Dunn was partly right about Reno. It has all started, but in full force will be on MONDAY MAY 6, 2024.
Washington DC says there is nothing left to do. Everything is already done and moving!” Bob Dunn – RENO, will give the green light sometime after noon today Sat. 4 May. 
Looks like all things are geared up for this coming week.  Keep the faith, this is coming it has started, and the green light has been given. We will have a glorious upcoming week, and the notifications are coming out any day now for Tier4B.

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