Saturday, May 4, 2024


 Fri. 3 May 2024 Wolverine

  • “The RV actually started around the first of May (that is when the Green Light was given) even though you guys do not hear or see anything. It is a slow process.
  • “We should get notifications for Tier4B anytime now for you, the Internet group, so you can go to the Redemption Centers. That will be any day now.
  • For the bondholders, things are rolling, and I am hoping that actually I will be getting good news as well, for I also have bonds.
  • I spoke to the director of Mauricio’s Foundation and she is very happy. They have given her certain hours actually for her to receive the funds to come through.
  • A huge Whale I know, someone I have a relationship with, says they are expecting to be paid.
  • I received from Asia that we were given a deadline – it will start tonight Fri. 3 May into tomorrow afternoon Sat. 4 May. It will appear in all members’ accounts.
  • I have also received information from other countries that they received the same news. It means they follow Reno time zone. It looks like this is definitely going to happen.
  • Other developments: banking accounts have been opened for sellers and loaded with locked funds.
  • They are testing QFS functionality today and tomorrow Fri. 3 May into Sat. 4 May, and delivering the release by computer, also, assuming there are no problems with the tests.
  • They will send formal emails to specific sellers during this week inviting them to a TTM next week at certain locations. TTMs will be held throughout the next week. Payments will begin once TTM is completed within five banking days.
  • They will all fall together in the pattern of Dominos. They will now receive the emails – I ask you guys to wait – The Sovereign committee team is working sincerely without stopping.  We have had no rest at all. If the QFS works perfectly, the banks will test their adaptation. Everything is underway, prepare for  payment next week.
  • Bob Dunn (I do not know if you know him,) he is very highly respected. He says, “The Green Light has been given, and the funds will be dispersed today or tomorrow Fri. 3 May or Sat. 4 May. 
  • Truth in Transaction in the USA will be settled on Monday 6 May and overseas on Tuesday 7 May. 
  • All platforms started on May 1st. It is slower than anticipated, however, there appears to be a plan.
  • Private banker – 10:30  a.m. only one close contract  – Contracts of 1% to be released tomorrow Sat. 4 May with full liquidity.
  • Someone arrived in Brazil with 50 arrest warrants.
  • We have been told that Brazil has started, from quite a few sources, obviously everything is behind the scenes right now but I am hoping and praying to get 100% confirmation.  
  • I want you to have faith. This has started. This will end up going our way and hopefully we will be free to help humanity. Hopefully, tomorrow, I will have something special for you.  Love you guys, Wolverine

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