Monday, May 27, 2024



Sun. 26 May 2024 Wolverine Live Chat: “It is Monday morning 27 May 2024. I hope you are doing alright. As I said before T1 and T2 are already finished, from what I was told. I do not know anyone in those groups. It is a process which should be finished by June 15th. We should get good news this week. 

I have had confirmation that Brazil will start this week from the Central Bank of Brazil. I am hoping that by tomorrow, being Monday, that the confirmation comes to reality, and if that is true then, Reno is not that far away. There are people saying it all starts  this week.

 We are that close to get this done. All is quiet, and I try to find info for you, and it has not been easy. I do want to say, it really upsets me, that most of the gurus are out there to make money. There are good ones trying to help people get bonds and currencies so they will have great opportunities. One must be careful from where you obtain your currencies and bonds to keep safe from unscrupulous people. Be careful scammers. That is all I have for you. Let’s see what the week brings. Take care everyone. Wolverine 

Fri. 24 May Wolverine

 “From my Brazilian contact: We are waiting for an official order to release funds and payment order. This will happen at any time, please wait…as of today we have nothing official. Things are moving guys. The greatest transfer of wealth has started T1 and T2 have been completed and a very positive Mark Z message today! He’s saying he’s hearing Individual Bond Holders expecting to receive big Payments now! First time I’ve heard him talking about Individuals rather than Groups/ Platforms.”

Thurs. 23 May 2024 Wolverine Here’s a helpful update

 My friend has given me permission to share information with you. Remember, she has a relative who is an MP from a Middle Eastern county and he sits on a committee that oversees the timing of the event.

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