Thursday, May 16, 2024


Wed. 15 May 2024 Wolverine

 “I hope you guys are excited. I know it has been very stressful for all of us. Yesterday’s call was not the call I wanted to say to you, because I have been told not to say anything. But what I can tell you tell you that Brazil was to go around 12 pm today, but unfortunately, the World Bank had it postponed, but they will go tomorrow Thurs. 16 May. I will get the call when Brazil starts.

 A lot of things are happening. A huge, huge whale in Zurich whom I spoke of is looking fine, and I got the Green Light from that person, and it is looking phenomenal. Bond Holders will probably get blessed this week. Remember, the bond holders go first, and then the currencies holders. 

Tier4B will actually be “golden” in a few days, in my own opinion, as soon as Bond Holders are paid, the Tier4B should go straight away. I have a feeling that this is what’s happening. I think this will be sporadic with no announcement – Just going to happen. The announcement will come from your platform, from your whale, or maybe lawyers you are working with, saying you need to go to a redemption center. 

In terms of the public -there will be no public announcement. It all depends on what the notifications actually tell you, if they tell you to be quiet or whatever else there is. All is discrete right now. After signing NDAs no one will know who has been paid. I think that is the best way to go, so no one knows who got paid, this way we are protected. 

There are a lot of bad apples out there waiting to know if people they DO know got paid or not, and obviously, they do not want people to get harmed. This in my opinion of course. I have not received real confirmation on that. If this is the case, I cannot release the opera as it would be seen as an announcement by me. The main thing is that we all want the blessing and the Med Beds.

 And, if it is that way, I will sing the opera for you all at the get together. I might be wrong, remember, I am just a messenger. This may be a shotgun and we go at the same time – we are that close right now, and I hear wonderful news coming from certain people I know in Zurich and Miami. I am praying that this tine Bruce gets it right today. I feel sorry for Bruce – He works hard. It is a roller coaster ride for all of us. I have been wrong so many times. We do not do this on purpose. All Intel providers work hard. Things keep changing – Today, We thought Brazil would happen, and now it is tomorrow. Take care guys, Wolverine.”

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