Sunday, May 5, 2024


Militia Man 

 Rebuilding the country is not going to happen anytime soon with 1310...Obviously they've got something else in mind because they've already said they've launched the projects, therefore there's contracts involved.  What the rates are with the contracts that's private information...They know how to keep things quiet until the right time...

Article quote:  "The dangers of the exchange rate fluctuations in the event that demands for floating the dinar are met..."  This is a topic that's been out there...fixed exchange rates... They're talking about a new exchange rate...fixed exchange rate or floating exchange rate.  They're talking about it for one reason, because a new exchange rate is coming...A. Are they going to float the currency?  B.  Are they going to peg it to a currency or a basket of currency and fix it?...

 Everything is falling in line for Iraq to go international.  You haven't see the salaries paid haven't seen the oil start pumping yet into Turkey...Why?  Because they haven't shown us or exposed an international real effective exchange rate.  That's my view on it.

When you talk about drop the three zeros...Al-Sudani's goal is to bring purchasing power to the his citizens.  When he said $0.76, that's purchasing power.  It's not a lop.  It's purchasing power.  If you have a lop you don't have purchasing power, you just have a change in denomination...They're going to bring purchasing power to the citizens.  All of that is happening before our eyes.  

 Quote on X [Formally Twitter] There's some information out there today that says the Central Bank of Iraq's governor has advised citizens to get ready for a currency exchange ...Whether it's true or not we're going to find out...The reason why I bring it up is because that kind of to be expected, they're having financial inclusion...they're talking about that.

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