Monday, May 20, 2024


 Militia Man

  The United States of America said they supported Iraq having accession to the WTO...Saudi Arabia...did 15 years worth of work, in a year, to help Iraq...All the requirements for joining were completed...Now the IMF directors welcomed renewed efforts towards WTO accession..

Saleh says if you do a float it's dangerous, it's going to turn out to be unruly...He also said he's going to have a mixed or managed float, which is going be stabilizing...They had about 4 articles about that...Why are  they saying it and giving one specific option?  Because that's what they're going to do...All the different ways of doing it were  negative but the one [positive one] was a managed float.  That's a mix between a floating currency and a fixed.  They manage it and  that's the most stable...  

  Article:  "The Finance Committee 'knows nothing' about the budget tables"  Al-Sudani has been holding his cards so ever close to the chest.

 The looks of it now is that he will not expose the 2024 schedule data until after there is an exchange rate change that will reduce the deficit Will that be after the vote for the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the HoR and or before extraordinary session for Sunday by the Prime Minister of Iraq, Al-Sudani.. Time will tell. But, since the CoM nor the HoR have yet to receive the 2024 Budget schedules we can deduce, it is going to be a very tight window for events to occur.

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Iraq signs $290 million loan agreement with Austrian bank, 19 SEPT

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