Sunday, May 5, 2024



 [via PDK] 

 I think there is an excellent shot we will be done by the 9th... Comment: I hear tomorrow will be. a BIG day.  MarkZ:  I know a lot of people are expecting it on Sun or Mon… I don’t know if it will be tomorrow or not, but there is a tremendous amount of chatter ..

.I am not hearing anything negative…everything is positive...All my contacts in Iraq are saying the trigger is now with the CBI and they are going to pull it soon. They are informing people …they are educating people and telling Iraqi citizens to be prepared for a change in value...

 ...they have started paying their retirees and disabled, welfare etc…they finally have money moving where it is supposed to on all those fronts. And all the progress they have made getting CBI salaries to people. They are completing everything they need for world trade and ascension, and all the settlements they have made to get out of chapter 8 after the invasion of Kuwait.  Phenomenal progress has been made... Progress over the last 16 months has been stunning.

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