Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Really solid remarks from Bastion of Freedom via GINGER'S LIBERTY LOUNGE ROOM , 9 MAY

 ... Really solid remarks from Bastion of Freedom: 11.6.23

1.  Just a reminder that we're waiting for the official announcement of Nesara along with the announcement for the United states to go back to the gold standard and the release of the USN new monies. 

Which will then trigger a whole series of things that we're waiting on such as  payment of specific bills and debt, which we will then send to the world court for verification and they can notify the 209 countries that we have done that and then Iraq can go and do their thing and get their rate into the forex and put it into The Gazette, which then triggers a whole series of other things. 

2.  Keep your focus don't get distracted. The above things have to happen for the things that we're waiting on to happen. There's just no other way around it. I say that based on the fact that we've heard numerous times that they do not want to Fiat for the RV,  they want it  to be in USN.

 If that is still true then we have to wait until the things above get done which can all be done in a day or day or two but in any case we are still waiting like it or not

3.  Phil's announcement last night about Nesara is a preliminary announcement and is not official. The announcement that we are waiting for must come publicly according to what I understand. That is because Iraq and all the other countries need to hear it publicly from a recognized source. So we wait.

4.  I expect that this week is a week of gigantic movement. Push your patience button just a little more. We got this.

💢 Gin Gin gives an a...

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