Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Q & A - Currency Exchange Brokers & Sellers FROM GINGER'S LIBERTY LOUNGE ROOM ON TELEGRAM, 8 MAY


💢Q & A - Currency Exchange Brokers & Sellers

💢Q - Member: I’ve been wondering …if this RV is as close as everyone says,  then why are all these dealers still selling currencies? I thought they needed to stop right before the RV. 🤔 

💢A - Ginger: Yes! You're right 🏆😁⭐. But, keep in mind that their notice to stop selling foreign currency could be merely hours before the flip is switched. Doesn't need to be days or weeks in advance. 

It could likely "happen" (for us) before we even notice the online sellers have ceased their sales of currency merchandise. They need just a few hours to delete or change the content on their websites. All they really have to do is install an error message like "Website content under construction 🚧" - where buyers cannot make their purchases or even see the exact exchange rates because they will be in flux. This will take a little bit of time which is they will be given advance notice, a short window in which to comply. ⭐😁⭐ 

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge 5.7.24

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