Friday, May 3, 2024


Thurs. 2 May Wolverine

 “I just received great news from Brazil. It’s going to be the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. We will soon be crossing the finish line. 

Get ready. A lot of things are happening. There are a lot of people under NDAs. My sources, which include the Central Bank of Brazil, say it’s looking good. 

I have absolute faith we will have good news by Fri. 3 May. Everything is ready to go. Everyone is happy. I’m very confident that this is our week.”


Mon. 29 April Wolverine: Beginning April 30, 2024

 there will be a Market Reset in all Market sectors, including Forex. Everyone is ready. The Depository Trust Company has sent notice that Corporate notes or bonds, Crypto currencies, Bitcoin, or any asset in the future that is not backed by a commodity has a risk of decline in value (based on real-world assets) when the market resets to a new set of values that begins on Tues. 30 April.

 (The Depository Trust Company, founded in 1973, is a New York corporation that performs the functions of a central securities depository as part of the US National Market System).

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