Sunday, May 19, 2024

"Brawl halts voting in Iraq. 5.18.24 " BY GINGER VIA TELEGRAM ROOM, 19 MAY

 💢 Brawl halts voting in Iraq. 5.18.24  

Here's the run down of what went on earlier today. After the big boys were put in an official Time Out, they decided to stop proceedings indefinitely. Hours later, it was determined that The Show Must Go On - and they decided to go ahead with the vote after cooler heads prevailed. It will continue tonight ...

I just thought you might want to read about the brew haha and brawl from earlier. See below ⬇️ 

💢In Iraq: ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – Kurdistan24 reporter Shivan Jabari in Baghdad said on Saturday that a fight broke out in the Iraqi parliament over selecting a new speaker.

In an attempt to control the brawl, security forces entered the parliament hall, and several members of parliament were injured.

Iraqi parliament speaker nominations include Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, Salem Matar al-Issawi, Talal Zubai, and Amir Abdul Jabbar.

According to the Kurdistan24 reporter, the session of parliament to elect the speaker of parliament was postponed indefinitely.

Meanwhile, all four candidates failed to win 166 out of 329 votes in the first round of voting, so voting went to the second round. In the second round, the competition was between al-Mashhadani and al-Issawi, but the second round ended without selecting anyone, and in the third round, a fight broke out.

The votes in the second round were as follows: Mahmoud al-Mashhadani 137 votes, al-Issawi 158 votes, and Jabbar 3 votes.

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