Tuesday, April 16, 2024



I quote from the article –“The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to Washington provided a strong impetus in closing the Central Bank window and moving towards direct commercial banking transactions.” – “The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to Washington provided a strong impetus in closing the Central Bank window and moving towards direct commercial banking transactions.” 

But we already knew this news, didn’t we? But what came next in an article that popped out only once Al-Sudani arrived in Washington is what really got me so excited. This article talks about just what I have been telling you all along as I received ongoing information from my source in the CBI. , it confirms it all. No rumors or speculation, just facts.

In the articles today is stated and I quote  – “He explained, “What practically means canceling the auction or the foreign currency window that was established in October 2003 and its expected lifespan was two yearsbut unfortunately it continued for more than twenty years!”

WOW, WOW, WOW! Did you read this last quote. It says lifespan of two years. Then why did it go on for twenty years? I can sum it up in one word – CORRUPTION! 

Now THINK, THINK, THINK what this statement is also actually telling us. It is telling us that the corruption that took hold in Iraq using these currency auctions as the vehicle to steal money from Iraq. Like I said previously to you many times over the last decade these currency auctions were a well-planned, premeditated vehicles setup to steal the oil revenues from Iraq. The sole purpose of them, as we were told, was not factual and as time proves we were right. These auctions were noting more than a scam, justified with something to enforce them and make them a priority. This is how these people work. 

So many Iranian sympathizers in Iraq still object to doing away with these currency auctions even after everything that has been exposed about them. I quote from today’s article – “and this process requires more time and strict oversight to stop the currency auction, which has greatly destroyed the country,” he said.”

Yes, these Iranian sympathizers admit this auction process is destroying the country on one hand, yet want to continue them? Then when is a good time to end them? Is it when yet another twenty years of theft occurs and you fill the pockets of Iran with yet more of the riches of Iraq, while the people of Iraq continue to suffer?   

The point I am making here is that we can see through these corrupt people now and they will not have their way. Isn’t twenty years of damage enough? By the way if you read the list of items on Al-Sudani’s list he hopes to work closely with the U.S. to expel the Iranians from his country and to disarm them. This too is “WOW!” news, as no other prime minister dared to address this issue in any real contents of these Iranian militia and get rid of them. They too are part of the security issue in Iraq. Iraq and the US forces should not be on pins and needles waiting to see if these militia will strike again or not based on Iranian policies for Iraq. Come’ on folks this is ridiculous and blackmail. Haven’t you been listening and watching to what is going on over in Iraq with all these drone and missile attacks against US forces? Who the hell do you think has been carrying them out?....


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