Friday, April 5, 2024

The Securities Commission Calls On The Central Bank To Launch Lending Initiatives, 5 APRIL

 The Securities Commission Calls On The Central Bank To Launch Lending Initiatives

Economy News – Baghdad  Chairman of the Securities Commission, Faisal Al-Haims, called on the Central Bank to launch development initiatives to support the real estate, industry and agricultural sectors.

Al-Haims said in a television interview followed by “Al-Iqtisad News” that he “chaired a committee formed by the Prime Minister, to provide solutions to banks that are prohibited from using the dollar in their daily transactions,” noting that the committee had submitted recommendations to the Ministerial Economic Council that included launching development lending initiatives by The Central Bank, and activating the national exchange for banks that are prohibited from using the dollar.”

He added, "The recommendations also included the use of gold and other commodities in settling financial transactions between banks prohibited from using the dollar and foreign banks."

Views 84  04/04/2024 -

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