Thursday, April 25, 2024



 [via PDK] 

 US delegations have been going back and forth to Iraq for some time- in preparation. Over the weekend we had Sudani point blank saying that they are preparing and it would be the CBI’s responsibility for a revaluatuion. Things are phenomenal.

 Question:  There is a rumor a contractor living in the US used his CBI card and the rate was about $3.91...Do you believe the $3.91 story is real ?

  Yes I do believe it’s real...But, I do not believe that is the rate everybody gets because I have talked to some with these debit cards in the US and they have not seen that rate change. Whereas others have…so I think they are priming the pump and testing the system.

 I get reports from Iraq and bankers that things are well underway.  And when they get to a certain point they will pull the trigger for us.  We don’t know when it’s going to happen but the earliest I am hearing is yesterday or today…the latest I am hearing is May 9th.

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