Wednesday, April 10, 2024



  Question: "How long do you think we'll have to exchange IYO? I don't know.  Normally they give you anywhere from 6 months to about a year.

  When you hold up the new lower notes you will not be able to see all the safety features, not even with a black light.   This currency is so far advanced you cannot counterfeit it because you don't even know what's in it. 

 Question "I lost my receipt, is that going to be a problem?" 

  ;Yeah that's a problem when you get  audited but that's the only time it's a problem.  When you get audited they're gong to ask you when did you buy that and if you've held your dinar for one year and have proof of a receipt you'll probably be in the 20% but if you have held it for one year and you don't have a receipt you'll probably be in the 40%.  I'd rather pay $200,000 on a million than $400,000.   You lost your receipt?   Call the person you bought it from to see if their records have it...Did you write a check?  Got to your bank and ask...please look  up my check statement on this date on this month on that year.



Baghdad releases 430 billion dinars in funding for the Kurdistan Region’s salaries



The Ministry of Finance of the Kurdistan Region announced the deposit of 430 billion dinars in salaries from Baghdad into the ministry’s bank account.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Finance of Kurdistan, “Recently, an amount of 430 billion and 109 million dinars was deposited by the Ministry of Finance of the Iraqi government on the bank account of the Ministry of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan Region in the Erbil branch of the Central Bank of Iraq.”

The money, as stated in the statement, is part of the monthly salary of employees in the Kurdistan region.

Yesterday, the Federal Ministry of Finance announced the launch of funding for the salaries of Kurdistan Region employees for the month of March, “because the mechanism for completing the localization of their salaries requires an additional period of time.”


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