Sunday, April 7, 2024



"Global trade is likely peaking now. According to a report by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank." 

Many countries are beginning to manufacture products in their own country that used to be imported from others.

The last three Presidents have chosen not to make any changes to the judges that govern the World Trade Organization. This is being called an existential threat to the Global Economy. 

For some time, the World Trade Organization has needed to change percentages in weight given to certain countries gaining momentum in trading relationships. Many of these changes are being refactored in at the present time and expected to formulate new ratios by the end of the year. 

These new ratios being calculated doesn't keep us from a gradual incline in some of these currencies that are being placed on a More Level Playing Field with other countries until they reach an RV status. 

Many of these changes needing to take effect will come about from new regulations, rather than, a rules-based decision that was made at Bretton Woods 2 in 1944. 

This brings us up to where we are now, the regulation of our new digital economy will bring about the needed changes in trade relation weight ratios for our currencies around the world based on supply and demand going forward. 

These new digital regulated (ie MICA) changes will form new price patterns on each country's currencies and reset our Global Mechanisms to meet the needs of countries choosing to use their local currencies and trade over the dollar going forward. 

When the World Trade Organization completes it's new calculations to reform a new Global Trading Economy, Bretton Woods 3 will come into being.

There should be an announcement of this new agreement by Bretton Woods 3 that will lead us into much needed changes around the world.

NOW, do you see why I keep asking you to WATCH THE WATER.

© Goldilocks

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