Wednesday, April 10, 2024



"Last week the Bank for International Settlements dropped a bombshell of an announcement where it launched Project Agorá, along with seven central banks, which will focus on the tokenisation of wholesale central bank money and commercial bank deposits on programmable platforms."

The race towards International payments has begun. We currently have Global Regulations being tested in Europe and soon to be implemented through MICA. These assets have grown out of the ability to do so because of Protocol 20, whereby, the interfacing of International  Digital Networks have been given the green light to expand into Global connections capable of doing trades with Tokenized Assets at the push of a button. 

The next step is to move towards Cross-Border International Trading. Several countries have began the process of regulating Stablecoins which is a representation of a country's currency. These regulations will speed up the velocity of money and opportunity for companies to grow at a much faster pace.  ;

As each country moves toward manufacturing their own goods and services over time, this will create less bottleneck situations at our shipping ports and more opportunities for jobs within each country for their people.

Shipping port volumes have been increasing it the last few years until the pandemic hit, and to lower these prices on goods traveling around the world more manufacturing jobs at home is being encouraged and shorter routes between countries are being mapped out. This will decrease inflation, and it will increase the Gold Backed Tokenized Assets used on the shipping ports to trade between countries. 

Inflation tends to devalue a currency, and our ability to reduce cost in our shipping industry through more efficient mechanisms will move the pendulum of 80% trade around the world to a much smaller percentage.

Our ability to decrease inflation through digitizing our shipping ports and decrease premium prices on their movement will go a long way in adding more value to our currencies globally.

Watch the water. 

© Goldilocks,weaken%20relative%20to%20other%20currencies.

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