Monday, April 15, 2024

Kurdish MP: Sudanese success in the dollar crisis is the most important step in his visit to Washington , 16 APRIL

  Kurdish MP: Sudanese success in the dollar crisis is the most important step in his visit to Washington

 4/15/2024   Sulaymaniyah

Today, Monday (April 15, 2024), the representative of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Iman Abdel Razzaq, considered that the success of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani in addressing the dollar crisis is the most important step if completed with his visit to Washington.

Abdel Razzaq said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the Sudanese’s success in this file, lifting the ban on Iraqi banks, and pumping the dollar naturally is the most important success for the Sudanese government if it is fully achieved.”

She added, "The citizen suffered from the dollar crisis, exhausted his pocket, and raised market prices. Therefore, the Sudanese's success in addressing it will be important, and we believe that the visit will be able to address the crisis in agreement with US President Joe Biden."

Officials from the Central Bank of Iraq, led by the Governor of the Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, are among the delegation accompanying the Sudanese on his visit to Washington, while the issue of lifting the ban on some banks prohibited from dealing in dollars in Iraq is on the agenda of the Sudanese visit.   LINK

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