Monday, April 15, 2024

Iraq sets a deadline for the opening of the big port of Faw, 15 APRIL

 Iraq sets a deadline for the opening of the big port of Faw

Economy News – Baghdad

The Ministry of Transport announced on Sunday that the deadline for the opening of the Greater Faw Port will be early in the year 2025, noting that there is no change in this date.

The Director of the Ministry’s Media Office, Maitham Al-Safi, said that “the scheduled date for the opening of the Great Port of Al-Faw at the beginning of next year, 2025 is fixed and there has been no change in it, especially since the business is going at a high pace and some of them have achieved significant completion rates compared to the past years, which have witnessed some lage.”

He confirmed “the completion of 90 percent of the first section of the road linking the large port of Faw and the development road, and reaching 67 percent of the completion of bridges within the highway project linking the submerged tunnel and the development road,” according to the state newspaper Al-Sabah.

He added that “the port is about to a new package of giant projects during the second row of this year, such as the LNG station project and the establishment of a grain terminal and the marine base, and two berths, No. 3 and 4, will be delivered within the five berth project in the coming days.”

He pointed out that “resuming periodic meetings with the Turkish side in the coming days to complete the negotiations on the railway and bridge sector and activate the steps of the development road project. Offices will also be opened in Baghdad and Ankara to follow up on what is agreed upon between the two parties regarding this giant project, which is one of the most prominent economic and logistical projects in Iraq and the region.”

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