Tuesday, April 9, 2024

"China is in the Process of Overthrowing the US Dollar via Gold" BY MIKECRISTO, 9 APRIL

 China is in the Process of Overthrowing the US Dollar via Gold


China – Brazil – Elon Musk – Twitter

China is in the process of overthrowing the U.S. Dollar via Gold Brazil, like all BRICS members will become increasingly authoritarian-totalitarian as they shift away from the Western F.I.R.E. Capitalism.

Private property (commodities) will be taken over by the state, replacing private ownership.

The CIA is at work in Brazil to undermine the Lula regime via Twitter via NGO’s Brazil – China – BRICS, this authoritarianism is a natural progression away from the U.S. led IMF – World bank – U.S. Dollar apparatus.

And when you’re China, and you own all the gold, you make the rules the world (G7) must now follow.

The G7 whether they like it or not are going to transition to the Chinese model.

All G7 heads of state will eventually be replaced by those that are China – Russia BRICS centric.

It’s a complicated business

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