Wednesday, March 20, 2024



Mon. 18 March Texas Snake

 Most recent banker update occurred shortly after 10 am this morning Mon. 18 March.

  Word from those higher ups was that we were in a 24 to 36 hour (10 am EST to 10 pm EST Tues. 19 March) window for announcement with Thurs. 21 March still being an important day for the banks.

 Tier4b was in a 24 to 36 hour (10 am EST to 10 pm EST Tues. 19 March) window for announcement of how to set redemption appointments, with Thurs. 21 March  being an important day (to begin appointments?).


Friday March 15, 2024

Texas Snake: It says

Tonight I will be making some comments about myself and my participation in Seeds of Wisdom. I have been involved with Salty since the beginning of his creation of this educational forum to provide assistance in determining the facts surrounding this valuation and provide some direction on how one should prepare to optimize monetary gains once this VR occurs.

It has never been my intention to financially benefit or cut anyone off their resources. I say all this because some people are on the edge waiting for this exchange and the purpose of this note is to wait, as we are about to see the climax of this company.

There is no date or time, but the preparations that are being carried out point certainly in our direction. Stay safe and GOD Bless you all for at least reading this and putting up with me. 



Friday March 15, 2024

Texas Snake : It says
Tonight I will be making some comments about myself and my participation in Seeds of Wisdom. I have been involved with Salty since the beginning of his creation of this educational forum to provide assistance in determining the facts surrounding this valuation and provide some direction on how one should prepare to optimize monetary gains once this VR occurs.

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