Monday, March 4, 2024



 Article:  "Iraq.. Expectations of a decline in the dollar difference and a return to the official rate"  Something is going on...  

Quote:  "The economic expert, Safwan Qusay, expected today, Saturday, a decline in the dollar difference in Iraq and a return to the official rate after a series of financial and economic measures taken by the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani."  That's a beautiful article.  There's immense power behind that article.

 IMO the Forex is live.  It is trading the Iraqi dinar live.  I don't believe I've ever seen it trading live against the dollar.  It's being traded in real time.  

That's impressive.  It started today or maybe yesterday ...That's why I say something is going on...It's trading at $2.70 live. I'm not making this up.  You can go look this up yourself.  Let's see if these numbers stay the same on Sunday...when they start trading live...Isn't this suspicious?  Isn't this a precursor?  Isn't this a sign?  Isn't this a logical step for a currency that is about to go through a movement of some type?

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