Monday, February 26, 2024

'Unprecedented' agreement in the Iraqi government to remove US forces, 27 FEB

  'Unprecedented' agreement in the Iraqi government to remove US forces

Baghdad Today - Translation 

The Iranian Press TV Agency announced in a report published on Sunday (February 25, 2024) the existence of what it described as an "unprecedented consensus" between leaders and political officials within the Iraqi government to "remove" US forces from the country completely, Declaring the country's full ability to face the challenges and threat of terrorism.

The agency said, according to what was translated by "Baghdad Today", that the National Security Adviser Qassim Al-Araji, confirmed to her the information she previously obtained about the existence of political and security consensus on the removal of US forces, explaining that "Iraqi leaders have become confident of the ability of Iraqi forces to face the dangers and challenges to the country without the need for US forces, whose presence has become harmful to Iraqi security as a result of the targeting operations carried out inside the country."

The agency also confirmed that it had obtained information confirming that the Iraqi government will "sign individual security agreements" with the countries that now represent the international coalition alongside the United States, noting that these agreements will ensure that the government in Baghdad receives the support of those countries for Iraq in addition to the continuous strengthening of the capabilities of the Iraqi forces, by withdrawing their description.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi parliament took in 2020 a non-binding decision to remove US forces from Iraq, as the agency indicated that the current consensus between the political and security leaders in the country will witness during the coming period another decision from Baghdad that is binding after the agreement with the US side.

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