Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ, 28 FEB

 Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening Mark and mods….Really hope Iraq gets the RV done before Ramadan on March 10th…..the clock is ticking.

Member: Is Sheila joining us tonight (CMKX and Currency source)

MZ: She will be joining us Friday with Mr. C. Expect Friday Mornings podcast to be a long one…we will get into prosperity packages, CMKX , Farm Claims  and much of what is going on with currencies …what is being heard in other countries. This podcast ought to be a humdinger.

Member: What about your bank contact that said February should  definitely your month for it to go ?

Member: Just a few days left……git er done!!!!!

MZ: Its quiet on the RV so far this evening from what I consider tangible on the RV news front…….Bankers still believe we are in that “any moment “ window with sooner rather than later.

MZ: We heard from members today that were reached out to by banks who know they have currency – they were suddenly reached out to to set up appointments with wealth managers……Maybe banks are jumping the gun a little getting people prepped and ready because they don’t want to lose the business…   We still have some banks that flat out deny knowing anything and some that openly have conversations about it.

MZ: “Brazil to host meeting of BRICS finance ministers and Central Bank heads”  This is going on as we speak in Brazil. BRICS continues to move along grabbing a larger and larger share of the worlds GDP.

Member: Guru Mnt Goat  (From Dinar Guru)  …Iraq is finally breaking the news all about the Project to Delete the Zeros. This is fantastic news but just news for now. The actual execution part is coming and I was told by my weekly call to my CBI contact in Iraq on Saturday, that it will be VERY SOON!

MZ: That totally fits with what we heard over the weekend. They are having very open conversations on television, articles…you name it. Plus a committee to help stores and markets reprice goods.

Member: and all the WTO articles coming out about Iraq ascending soon …that is big news.

Member: Mark- what is your guy saying about rates? Other are saying $1.30 in country. Do you think they will RV on March 1st per rumors?

MZ: TO me $1.30 doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Would it work for them- yes . They have been very blunt with their people and even Sadr said they were going to restore the dinar to its former glory. And $1.30 is about a third of what it used to be ..  I would be ok with $1.30….but I expect higher.

Member: $3.22 was what it was at….adjusted for inflation should be  $4.81…

Member: So will Iraq go alone or do you still believe it will all go at once?

MZ: I still believe it will all go at once

Member: If it all goes at once –it defeats the nonsense about double dipping

MZ: It would solve a lot of the problems by going all at once.

Member: If Iraq is not part of the WTO- why isn’t the dinar on forex?

MZ: Iraq is not yet part of the WTO. They have been approved and all their tasks have been completed for ascension but are waiting for an announcement.

Member: . Good night to all my friends out there

Member: Sweet RV dreams everyone.

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