Tuesday, February 6, 2024



No! The RV has not yet happened. I had an interesting call on Saturday with my CBI contact. I will share it with you. But first, again, I have to come on and clarify yet more garbage information being put out about the RV from these stupid intel gurus. Oh boy… will it ever end?

Just when I thought I heard all the nonsense any of these intel gurus could possibly tell us, then TNT Tony opens his mouth again and yet more nonsense pours out. If you listened to his latest news from the January Davos meeting of the World Economic Forum, you have to wonder what planet he is from. is this information truthful? I have to tell everyone I talked to my CBI contact about this so called “formula” he talked about for determining the IQD rate. I even played the recording of his call to my contact over the phone. I was told its all nonsense, plain nonsensical lies. 

I was told the rate will be determined just as it has been determined all along by the new asset backed Quantum Financial System (QFS) now in place. It was put in place from 2011-2012 and now running daily. Only technically they have not yet linked or mapped these new rates into the foreign currency exchanges as of yet. This is what we are waiting for. Not all the rates will come over at once and many call them “baskets” or “groups” of currencies. The plan is for the years to come to slowly roll out these new rates and map them to the foreign exchanges as the new market rates.

Funny thing is this idiot Tony knows this too. But someone is feeding him such nonsense and taking him for a ride. Remember this idiot also told everyone also in a prior conference call that the project to delete the zeros did not have to happen prior to the RV. Really? Talk about inflation in Iraq if the CBI did not do it. Even common sense dictated this step in the process is real and necessary. How could he even say such nonsense. 

Funny thing again is TNT Tony also is very familiar with Dr Shabibi and IMF 2011 plan devised and still being followed. Did he forget about the plan? So, again someone is playing mind games with him and using him. He is weak and not strong or maybe smart enough even to know the difference. For some reason he sucks it all up like a lap dog. 

So, I just wanted to let everyone know that the rate will be whatever it is in the QFS system when the time comes to reinstate it. This will be the starting rate. All they need to do is bring it over to FOREX by mapping it from the QFS. It is a simple process. It will most likely be around $3-$4 when it does come out. How do I know this? I know this because this is what the QFS system is for and they spent millions $$ developing it. It has calculated the IQD as well as all currency rates for the last two years. The IMF is attempting to get a balance of currency rates between nations that is fair and equitable. Former President Trump, while president, even announced this plan is underway. Did you forget already? 

Yes, when the IQD rate does come out, it could vary but only a drastic change in the price of oil will affect it. However, the projection is for the price of oil to hover around $70-90 this year which will still produce an IQD rate well within the range we investors want. Again, I am not a financial advisor, planner, banker or attorney giving any financial advice. This is just my commentary. 


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