Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Saddam's Strategy to Outlast the United States in Baghdad: Urban Warfare and Destabilization, 13 FEB

 Saddam's Strategy to Outlast the United States in Baghdad: Urban Warfare and Destabilization

A Prolonged Conflict: Saddam's Strategy to Outlast the United States in Baghdad

Urban Warfare: Saddam's Bid to Neutralize US Superiority

February 12, 2024 - Baghdad, Iraq: As American and British forces draw closer to Baghdad, Saddam Hussein's strategy to prolong the conflict and outlast the United States appears to be taking shape. Drawing parallels to the Vietnam War, Saddam perceives Americans as averse to casualties, both military and civilian. His primary objective is maintaining power, not protecting Iraqi interests.

In the 1991 Gulf War, Saddam believed surrendering would lead to his overthrow by the military. This time, Iraqi forces have adopted a strategy of avoiding direct confrontation in open desert and concentrating their best units near Baghdad and Tikrit. As American and British troops approach the capital, Saddam intends to engage them in urban warfare to neutralize their superior air power and armor, causing higher casualties and generating civilian casualties.

This strategy aims to provoke political protest and international pressure to halt the U.S. offensive. The Bush Administration attempted to eliminate Saddam using air and cruise missile strikes, but failed. Now, American and British forces are moving towards Baghdad for a final confrontation.

Destabilizing Impact: US and Israeli Actions in the Region

US airstrikes and drone attacks have recently killed members of the Kata ib Hezbollah militia, prompting protests in Baghdad against US actions. Iraqi military spokespeople have denounced these attacks, and there are growing calls for the US-led coalition to leave Iraq.

The ongoing US offensive in Baghdad has had a destabilizing impact on various towns in Iraq. The implications of today's news foreshadow tomorrow's world, as the region grapples with the consequences of these actions.

A Struggle for Power: Saddam's Endgame

Saddam Hussein's endgame is clear: he seeks to maintain power at all costs. The human element of this story lies in the struggle between the US and Iraq, and the potential for further conflict in the region.

As the lines between technology and humanity blur in the form of drone strikes and urban warfare, the eternal dance of humanity with mortality continues. What new steps are being learned, and what's at stake in this ongoing conflict?

In conclusion, the situation in Baghdad remains tense as Saddam Hussein employs a strategy aimed at prolonging the conflict and outlasting the United States. The impact of US and Israeli actions in the region continues to be felt, and the potential for further destabilization looms large.

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