Saturday, February 17, 2024



Dear readers:

Tomorrow Saturday February 17th at 8:00 p.m. our time, the alert system can already come into effect throughout the world if we understand what this site says now,

The awakened have been waiting for this for a long time, those who are unaware of this event will suddenly wake up and possibly panic.

It was a long journey we made towards our freedom.

Today and tomorrow they can fix the last things, when it begins, martial law will paralyze all public life if all globalists are arrested for their participation in the GENOCIDE that has been committed against the population.

If in your region or city there are PEDERASTERS who have collaborated with the Clinton Foundation, they will also disappear.

Everything will fall into place, and the banks know this because they are not ISO 20022, so you still have things you need to buy before you can't get your money for a few weeks.

With the internet turned off, we no longer have access to banks, so the question is whether we will still receive our salary this month if it happens before February 20.

Imagine if no one can withdraw or withdraw money from ATM then chaos will really break out so stay inside as per army instructions and let them finish the job.

The riots are repressed with a heavy hand, first shoot and then talk if there is still life in them.

The official media of mass disinformation will be taken over and revelations of what the globalists have done will come to light.

It is now visible to everyone that we live in a communist dictatorship where banks control the population over their spending and withhold payments.

Fortunately, the QFS holds the balances of all our accounts, so even if the banks collapse and try to steal your money, it will be returned to you through the QFS.

If you, as an employee, have been forced to get vaccinated because otherwise you would lose your job, please report this to the military so they can arrest the perpetrators and try them in times of war.

Since we have been at war for a long time, whatever Rutte says, then the laws of war apply.

A beautiful performance if you can handle it, because it won't be a beautiful performance for everyone if the truth is told.

I hope those vaccinated gain perspective with treatment in a medical bed.

Of course, this will not apply to the co-authors, they will discover that they have committed collective suicide.

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