Tuesday, February 13, 2024



We are ready to go according to all sources. All sources, and whales. This is the week we are waiting for.  All agree on this good news.  We should get notifications today. When the notifications come out, all you will hear is the Opera. 

We received news from many foundations. Some bondholders, who are whales, have been paid and they all are under NDA. We heard last week that about three of these Whales started talking. 

Unfortunately, their accounts were frozen after 30 years of waiting. Please be careful everyone. There are some bad people sending out legit looking forms, saying they got paid, and asking you if you got paid, but if you respond to them you will be breaking your NDA contract.  If people ask you if you got paid just BLOCK them   

Be careful!!! In my opinion, when you get your blessing, do NOT help people right away, as they will ask “Where did you get all that money?” 

Just be quiet, and only discuss with your family members who know about this.  Remember if people  ask where you got the money, just say “Please don’t ask, just accept this gift.”   Also, Mauricio had a meeting with people who said this will be a Golden week.  People ask me if this IS the week, but I cannot tell you with absolutely certainty -  it is too much pressure on me. 

All people are messengers, even the Admiral is a messenger.  The EBS system is ready to go. Hopefully we will get that after our blessing, as the EBS does come AFTER the blessing.

  Also, get a trust, some say no need, it will be under the QFS, but the trust will always protect you. So as soon as you get the blessing, go a bank manager or a lawyer to get set up with a trust. You can contact me if you need help with a trust and I can refer you to those who can help you.   Did anything happen after the super bowl? 

Charlie Ward said nothing happened since you were watching the game. News was Israel bombed a safe place where they told Palestine people to go for shelter. Hopefully, these people will be caught.  I think today will be a good day for good news. God Bless all of you. 


(transcribed by Carpathia)

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