Monday, February 26, 2024


Sat. 24 Feb. Wolverine

“I am in Queensland in a beautiful hotel. Yesterday, I went to the Summit, and it was fantastic. The amount of love shown to me and my wife, and my nephew was incredible. Everyone was wonderful, people of God, so much love. That is what we are all about. We are here about love and compassion, and I felt honored to be part of this journey. 

We got there about 12:30. Trish and Doug did the fantastic Trust presentation. No Trust is needed, but every single millionaire has a trust to protect themselves. The QFS is safe but when you transfer money out you may be vulnerable. When you have Trust, you tell people it is not my money it is a trust, nothing to do with me. Besides, it is none of people’s business anyway. I want you guys to get ready. We have been waiting for many years.

 According to all sources coming in, and these are “Boots on the Ground”, that we are to get ready. People are giving dates, but I am saying it must happen before the end of the month. In Kuwait, when they gave a date, they said it would be delayed, then suddenly, they released it even when they said a certain date, it just happened without warning. This could happen after I stop talking to you, and the funds could be released, so we never know when the notifications will come in. What I have been told is that certain platforms are checking people’s IDs for criminal records. All banks are functioning to get this done.

 The NAB of Australian may be the bank to exchange, but in HSBC in Australia may be the main bank. But we will find out when we get those notifications where the Australian people will go. I want to say that there are a lot of stories about Skye. Skye is well versed on the Medbeds. The conversation yesterday for an hour, was all about compassion and love, how the Medbeds will function, and they are ready to go. 
There was nothing about the sorts of things we are reading about. Some people may have had a change of mind after reading Ariel.

 However, Skye is a nice lady, and has been ill for a long time. She is brave and has guts. She gave a great speech and had a standing ovation. Just get ready, might be any day, and It may be today or tomorrow, but I feel before the end of month. I wanted to reinforce what you guys are hearing. This is it.

 Most of you will get very emotional and I will be emotional, especially for those of us who are ill. When you go to the redemption center, ask to get a phone number, and of you are severely sick, be sure to tell them you need to go “now” I am trying to go to the Medbed the same day to get my health restored. My mom has dementia, and I also would like all my loved ones restored. Today, we are getting together with leaders out for lunch and then we got back to Sydney. When I get blessed, I will come back here to the Gold Coast with my wife to show her around. Look after yourselves, God Bless you, get that champagne ready, we are nearly ready to go at Light Speed soon! Have a beautiful day. 

Take care,


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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...