Saturday, February 3, 2024


 Sandy Ingram

   Kuwait, is a country that successfully revalued its currency in the early 90s.  Following the Gulf War Kuwait's economy was in ruins, yet within a short span the Kuwaiti dinar was reinstated as one of the most valuable currencies in the world...Unlike Iraq, Kuwait had a relatively stable political environment and a resilient economy backed by vast oil reserves.  

The international community had faith in Kuwait's ability to rebuild and stabilize which facilitated the revaluation process...A stable political environment, a strong economy, a positive balance of trade and the trust of the international markets are all critical ingredients for successful revaluation.  It's not a magic wand...

 Reuters  Article: "Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah says it suspends attacks on US forces"  "Iran-aligned Iraqi armed group Kataib Hezbollah announced on Tuesday the suspension of all its military operations against U.S. troops in the region, in a decision aimed at preventing 'embarrassment' of the Iraqi government, the group said."

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