Sunday, February 18, 2024



  [via PDK]  

Not a lot of RV news but there is tremendous pressure from Sudani to remove all US presence is Iraq. Both Financial restrictions and the military.  Article:  “Sudani urges ending foreign forces presence in Iraq“   Not just military but it is time for Iraq to be autonomous and sovereign so they want the removal of US forces and also financially.

 They want the US military to leave immediately because of their destabilizing affect and to reorganize the US-Iraq relationship financially.There has been a number of articles this week where they are pushing to remove US tentacles from their financial world as well. This is big.

Comment:  Well this is a 3 day weekend…Monday is Presidents day…fingers crossed.   MarkZ: We don’t know the timing but, this weekend would sure be a great opportunity.  ...It is fairly quiet in Iraq today But there is a lot of anticipation for this weekend. We will see what happens.

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