Friday, February 2, 2024


  Fnu Lnu 

 They do not have a massive amount of Dinar with which to deal. Small incremental increases of value over time will guarantee failure and all the many billions of dollars spent, and man-hours wasted will for naught. It is more likely they will come out high on the exchange rate and let it fall until it finds equilibrium instead of creeping upwards in 2% measures every 90 days over decades.  Meanwhile everyone loses faith in the GOI, riots, and starves to death. Small increments over time makes absolutely no sense and is illogical.

 Article:  "The Central Bank of Iraq announced the approval from the US Federal Reserve to supply dollar cash in 2024, as part of efforts to stabilize the Iraqi economy and its currency ." 

 Quote: "The decision came after officials from the Central Bank of  Iraq held a meeting with representatives from the Fed and the US Treasury in Dubai. "  As of  last Thursday, the official market recorded an exchange rate of 1,296 dinars per dollar.  It appears the UST is helping Iraq to stabilize.

 The Dubai meetings concluded with praise for the bank's strategies in reducing dollar transactions in the local market.  Iraq could end the parallel market activity by simply revaluing the Dinar above one USD and the black market activity would come to a screeching halt.  

So why haven’t theyAre they stalling for some reason?

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