Monday, February 12, 2024


 Sun. 11 Feb. Chance Mcfadden

  •  Today Sun. 11 Feb. the Bank was told there may be an event following the Super Bowl, which would be 10:00 pm Eastern.  They are also being told there is most likely an announcement early next week
  • They don’t mention (or know) the specific content of both of these events. The Iraqi RV is finally posted and set for Sun. 11 Feb.  and the Global Redemption Program starts Mon. 12 Feb. Buyers, Paymasters have funds just waiting to be liquid. Iraqi banks in the US began paying Iraqi citizens living in the US who are exchanging their old Dinar for US Dollars but rate is not known. The Federal Reserve says the rate is $4.81, which is the rate agreed to at Davos in January.
  • Was told the paperwork was just completed. The Iraq Government will reveal the new ‘lower denomination’ notes this week  and then release the new Dinar Rate ($4+) to be published in the Government Gazette on Sun. 11 Feb. and then go on Forex this coming Mon. 12 Feb.  – the same Mon. 12 Feb. that the Admiral is going to release everything.”

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