Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Parliament Finance Does Not Know The Date Of Sending The 2024 Budget!, 21 FEB

 Parliament Finance Does Not Know The Date Of Sending The 2024 Budget!

Posted On 02-21-2024 By Sotaliraq  The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives still does not know the date for approving the 2024 budget law, while it indicated that the government is required to expedite sending the details of the financial budget to Parliament for the purpose of reviewing and studying it.

Committee member Jamal Cougar said: “Until now, we do not know when the government will send the schedules of the 2024 budget law and what these schedules will include in terms of financial allocations for projects and other expenditures, and we do not know what the deficit is within this budget.”

Cougar stated, “The government is required to expedite sending the details of the 2024 budget to the House of Representatives for the purpose of reviewing and studying it. There is also the possibility of making amendments to it, as this is within the powers granted to Parliament.”

Member of the House of Representatives, Ahmed Taha Al-Rubaie, had revealed new details related to the amendments expected to occur in the financial budget for the current year, while noting that they include job grades and confirmation of contractors.

Al-Rubaie said, “The ministries have begun preparing the tables that they want to be included in the 2024 budget for the purpose of continuing to include them on the agenda for passage,” indicating that “the budget needs an amendment appendix through texts and tables.”

Al-Rubaie explained that “the deletion of job grades may be stopped in order to create appointments according to the grades of deletion and creation, in addition to continuing to confirm those who have completed two years to work as a contract, following the example of those who were previously confirmed.”

On (February 1, 2024), the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the latest developments in the financial budget for the year 2024, while indicating that it would rise to 206 trillion dinars instead of 199 trillion dinars.

Committee member Mustafa Al-Karaawi told the official agency, “Article 77/Second of the Tripartite Federal Budget Law for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 stipulates that the House of Representatives will be provided with updated tables for the 2024 budget in order to discuss the file of increase or decrease in the file of financial allocations according to expected revenues and according to the price of oil.” “The installer.”

He added, "The schedules are still being prepared in the Council of Ministers in preparation for approval, and the House of Representatives will begin discussing the budget after it arrives from the government. We believe that transmission must be accelerated because the delay may restrict the disbursement of operational and investment budgets in the coming days," noting, "Disbursement is now limited to salaries." Employees and their benefits directly.”

Al-Karaawi stressed that “the issue of updating the tables depends on the oil market and the quantities exported, on the basis of which the expected revenues will be calculated, and it is based on the size of expenditures and the percentage of the deficit,” pointing out that “there is a point of view that occurred in the 2023 budget according to the quantities that were spent and how to deal with... The deficit and revenues achieved, and it is assumed that there will be a growth in expenditures given that there is a growth in the operating budget, and there are contracts concluded in 2023 that have not been disbursed yet and must be added in the next budget.”

Regarding the appointments, he explained that they “may include contracts, firsts, holders of advanced degrees, and contracts for the 150,000 governorates that have not been implemented yet and which have been transferred to the 2024 budget.”   LINK

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