Sunday, February 25, 2024

Mazhar Saleh: Iraq Is Searching For A Globally Advanced Position In Gas Production , 25 FEB

 Mazhar Saleh: Iraq Is Searching For A Globally Advanced Position In Gas Production 

The first 

02/25/2024  Baghdad: Hoda Al-Azzawi  Iraq is focusing on seizing an advanced position in the list of the ten largest gas producing and exporting countries in the world, while possessing huge reserves that place it in 12th place in the world, but it produces less than 9 billion during an entire year, in addition to the urgent need to enter the gas sector.

Sustainable energy.

 Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”:

 “Iraq is one of the countries most likely to engage in the use of renewable energies, especially solar energy, as it is one of the rare countries with increased sunrise hours.”  Saleh added,

 "Iraq needs to enter the era of renewable energy, in addition to respecting carbon zero agreements for the optimal use of natural gas," noting that"it is necessary to     diversify the sources of energy production and     use and enter into the clean energy sector and     economic development.

 Today, we need to produce twice the current energy."". In the face of the increasing need for energy, Saleh pointed out that “the economic reform plan is moving towards diversifying the Iraqi economy.

Economic diversification   begins with the oil sector by   shifting from absolute rentierism to relative rentierism.

Instead of importing oil derivatives worth more than $5 billion, it can be compensated by switching from importing “To a source of petroleum products, which allows Iraq to  maximize the value of national income and  create diversity important for sustainable development.”

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