Thursday, February 29, 2024




In explaining this first article I want to read the headlines. It says and I quote – “Does deleting the currency’s zeros affect its value? an economist explains”. So why is this such WOW! news today? I have to point out two things to explain. First, I called my CBI contact on my usual Saturday call to Iraq and I was told to expect the Project to delete the Zeros to occur very soon. WOW! WOW! WOW! Then, on Sunday out pops this article, then another and on Monday yet another all dealing with the Project to Delete the Zeros- coincidental? WOW! WOW! WOW! I don’t think so. 

So, I have to sit back and think. I have to ask if these articles are confirmation that the CBI is about to conduct the Project to Delete the Zeros. Why would the CBI, economists and Parliamentary members all be discussing it so much if it was not center on their minds for some reason. I like it when I am told something from my contact in Iraq and then I see it playing out real soon. This time VERY soon. WOW!

Remember also we know, because the GOI and the CBI told us that they intend to work together on this project and solve the monetary problem in Iraq.  

Next, I have to ask – why now? Why is this economist even talking about this project if it was not near and they are planning it in the CBI right now? It is now on the radar scope for the CBI for the very near future?

Let’s go read the rest of the article:

I want everyone to know that all the information in this article today is yet another confirmation that Mnt Goat is not lying to you or just making up intel. So, what does it say?

Remember how many times did I tell my readers that to conduct the switch out of the dinar will not effect the value. Also remember I kept defining the difference between RATE and VALUE. I told you the value is in the dinar already but not reflected yet in the rate. There is no need to increase the value if the TRUE value is being suppressed by the 3 zero rate. Get it? So today Economic expert, Durgham Muhammad, said to the citizens and I quote – “that deleting the currency’s zeros does not conflict with its value” Okay, so “I told you so” and we all know the rate is being artificially suppressed. All I can say now is ”I told you so”, ”I told you so” and ”I told you so”,. No lies, No rumors, No Opinions, Just the Facts.

Example: If one 1 IQD = 0.000763 USD (current CBI official rate or 1320 dinars = 1 US dollar)

Then a 25,000 IQD notes is valued at $19 USD. Right?

0.000763 x 25,000 = $19

Now, if they conduct the Project to Delete the Zeros and initially first go close to 1:1 with the US Dollar, in-country, as the CBI told us they wanted to do, thus the issue with solving first the parallel market rates, then the newer lower denomination of the 25 dinar note (in our example) would have a value of $25 or somewhere around it. Yes, around 1:1. How close they get to 1:1 depends on how they can control the stability of the parallel black market. But I am told the CBI needs to get over a dollar so the citizens will use the dinar instead of the dollar since it is worth more. Also remember that when they do conduct these monetary moves, the reinstatement is just around the corner…. 😊 No this is all still in-country ONLY!

I think that the old value of $19 is very close to $25, don’t you think?. Close enough even to say that deleting the zeros will not conflict with its value as said in the article since as I have been saying the value of the dinar does not change, it always has been there. They just suppress it through the larger three zero notes. But yes, there is a possibility that there may be some inflation and so they told us they needed to monitor for it for a period of time for inflation. Have I not been also telling you this too is part of the 2011 Dr Shabibi plan? 

Once the 3 zeros are dropped, (not lopped) the only thing that will change by the Project to Delete the Zeros, is the realization of the TRUE value through its currency. So instead of .000763 it would read .76 cents. .76 x 25 = $19. Yes, still $19, get it? But we know the CBI told us they will be doing at least one more “program” rate change to get it closer to 1.00 than .76. So, if they did it, the rate might look like this 1.00 x 25 = $25 or maybe 1.25 x 25 = $31.25 (just for my examples).

In the article, Durgham Muhammad then goes on to explain what needs to be taken before resorting to this step, meaning the step of switching out the 3 zero notes for the newer lower denominations. He says and I quote again – “but this step needs educational campaigns to precede it,” Oh… but many of the intel gurus told you this was already completed. Really? Seems these idiot intel gurus have no clue what Durgham Muhammad is talking about. Why would Durgham Muhammad tell us it still needs to be completed if it already was completed as many of the idiot intel gurus told you? I will tell you why – IT IS BECAUSE THESE IDIOT INTEL GURUS LIE TO YOU!

But we all should know that it is required AND this educational campaign is not yet completed. My CBI contact even tells me it is still something they have been working on and have even developed news articles for press releases on this topic. You too should now know the CBI plan, as I explained it to you many times and in detail in one of recent Newsletters. Did you read it? All I can say now is ”I told you so”. No lies, No rumors, No Opinions, Just the Facts. Trust in the plan and watch for the execution of the plan. 

Then in the past I also told you that when the CBI does conduct the project to delete the zeros they will need a short period of time to monitor for inflation. Did I not say this? I said this period could be short or longer depending on the results of the project. So, what does Durgham Muhammad tell us today and I quote – “and a transitional period for trading the currency with its zeros and the new currency to know that the two currencies are equal in value.” Again “I told you so”. 

He stressed, “Printing new denominations must be proportional to the market’s need to cover daily trading, provided that there is no significant increase in the monetary supply in the market so that inflation does not occur.” All I can say now is ”I told you so”. No lies, No rumors, No Opinions, Just the Facts

So, you see folks I am not lying to you. I know what the hell I am talking about. I have the CBI plan of 2011 right here in front of me. Let’s not rush the plan and just follow the news as it plays out. The reinstatement is going to happen only not yet. They are heading in that direction, and it won’t be long. 

I am following the 2011 Dr Shabibi and this article seems like economist Durgham Muhammad has also read it and knows it very well. Get it? You too now have the plan as I have gone over it many times with you. So why do these intel gurus keep telling you it’s going to RV this or that weekend? How can it since this part of the plan must first be fulfilled.

Really folks, I have no clue as to why these idiot gurus find a need to lie to you. This newest information from this marketer/scammer TNT Tony Renfrow has got all of his gang on pins and needles once again expecting the RV by the end of February. Really? Didn’t he tell his listeners definitely by the end of June, that turned into July, then August, then September, then by the end of October, then by the end of December…well you get my point. It’s an RV roller coaster you would rather not be on…trust me! But why even do this to his listeners when the FACTS say otherwise. Don’t’ they even care about the facts or are they just WOKE and live in this imaginary world of twisted science and reality? Is this what the world has gotten to – a bunch of brain-dead idiots?

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