Saturday, February 3, 2024

Al-Nujaba confirms that the headquarters were “empty” during the American strike.. What is the secret of the huge loss toll then? – Urgent, 3 FEB

 Baghdad Today – Baghdad

Al-Nujaba Movement revealed today, Saturday (February 3, 2024), that most of the headquarters of the armed factions were empty at the moment of the American bombing in Iraq at dawn today, with the United States announcing a military response to the attack in Jordan last Sunday, which resulted in the killing of 3 American soldiers.

The movement’s spokesman, Hussein al-Musawi, said in a statement to the Associated Press, followed by “Baghdad Today,” that Washington “must understand that every action provokes a reaction,” but he added  that “we do not want to escalate or expand regional tensions.”

He stated that “the targeted sites in Iraq were essentially devoid of fighters and soldiers at the time of the attack.”

The agency considered that there was not much damage, which allows it to justify the lack of need for a strong response.

The statement of the Nujaba official draws attention to the map of the victims, according to what was revealed in the statement of the Popular Mobilization Forces, as it is clear that most of the victims were from the 13th Brigade (Al-Tafuf Brigade), a faction accused of strikes against the Americans, and most of the victims were in Akashat, where this brigade was located. This is in contrast to Al-Qaim, where the major factions involved in targeting American forces are present, which clearly indicates that the empty headquarters were for the large factions, while the Al-Tafuf Brigade did not vacate its headquarters, unlike the others.

The Iraqi government announced that the bombing, which it described as a “blatant aggression,” led to “16 martyrs, including civilians, in addition to 25 wounded, and also caused losses and damage to residential buildings and citizens’ property.”

She stressed, “The presence of the international coalition, which has deviated from the tasks assigned to it and the mandate granted to it, has become a reason for threatening security and stability in Iraq and a justification for involving Iraq in regional and international conflicts.”

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