Monday, January 8, 2024

The National Bank Of Iraq Nationalizes The Salaries Of Kurdistan Employees And Grants Them Numerous Loans And Facilities, 8 JAN

 The National Bank Of Iraq Nationalizes The Salaries Of Kurdistan Employees And Grants Them Numerous Loans And Facilities

January 7, 2024 Last updated: January 7, 2024  Independent/- The National Bank of Iraq announced joining the “My Account” initiative launched by the Kurdistan Government, and  starting to localize the salaries of the region’s employees,  stressing the provision of a safe and appropriate means of paying salaries and providing them with broad loans and financial facilities.

The bank said that its selection as one of the banks participating in the “My Account” initiative reflects the great confidence that the Kurdistan government places in the bank, thanks to  its provision of high-quality banking services, its ability to comprehensively and deeply understand the needs of its individual and corporate clients, and  its continuous endeavor to provide them with an unparalleled banking experience with its work.

Working hard to achieve sustainable development in the country by enhancing financial inclusion and supporting government directions in the digital transformation journey. He explained,

 “The National Bank of Iraq is working within this initiative to cover the needs of government employees in the region by providing various services that include;

Loan services,  savings account services, and the  Zanakin account, in addition to using the  banking application with all its features and enjoying the discount programs offered by the bank.”

In terms of loan services, the bank confirmed, “providing many credit facilities that meet the needs and aspirations of the customers of the (My Account) initiative with appropriate interest rates and easy payment terms, while  providing savings accounts and a (Zanakin) account in the bank,” noting that “this gives employees the opportunity to plan For their future and achieving their financial goals in a sustainable way, 

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