Friday, January 5, 2024


Thurs. 4 Jan. Wolverine Call: 

“I have had good info. Looks like we are ready. Lots of movement in Reno. I know whales traveling to Reno to get paid and some whales have got paid. These are AAA whales (high level). 

I was on the audio when that came out. Things are happening. Remain faithful. Hope to hear from Admiral. Nesara/Gesara group is ready to get this thing moving. I wish I could tell you more, but it is confidential. God is with us. When the Admiral gives the Green Light there won’t be a dry eye in the house.

 We will cry. I will cry. The stress has been incredible due to the targeting on me and my family. I want this so much to get this released to move our lives forward and for us to help humanity. When the Admiral gives Green Light, I am sure notifications will come out automatically. What info I got was official. It is happening. They thanked me for the work I have done. God bless you all.”

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