Saturday, January 20, 2024



IMO they'll go up in increments.  One of the things Iraq needs to really start working on is non oil revenue...A lot of [construction] projects started in 2023, a huge chunk of them start in 2024.  

The deadlines are between the end of this year stretching out all the way to 2028 with the bulk of them having a deadline of 2025. This is a lot of job opportunities.  This is a lot of infrastructure being done.  This is a huge change in Iraq.  All of this strengthens their economy and...strengthen the use of the Iraq dinar...

This is not small by any stretch of the imagination...When Sudani said 2024 was going to be the time Iraq was going to change, this is what he's talking about.  This is huge...This is what I'm focused on.  There are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of projects starting in Iraq..

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