Monday, January 15, 2024



[via PDK]  There is a lot of expectations in the banking world because it’s a 3 day weekend...there is a lot of “pie in the sky” stuff being talked about …but is it verifiable? ... What is verifiable is they (Iraq) are in a mad dash to get dinar out of circulation to reduce the money supply and support a higher value. We can also verify they are taking strategic, solid steps to increase the value of the dinar opposed to the US dollar.

[via PDK]  There is a lot of good news coming out of Iraq… Lots of good group chatter...There is all kinds of exciting rumors.

  “Sudani: We are proceeding in the wheel of reconstruction and construction despite the challenges facing us”  Sudani says they are meeting and fulfilling their promises to the Iraqi people.  Part of the wheel of reconstruction is the Monetary reform and the White Papers and making the dinar stronger and more valuable.

The news continues to be great…Things look great and I’m not hearing anything negative...We just have to wait and see what is real …We are getting so many things thrown at us…we don’t know yet what is accurate... Most groups are looking for over the weekend or first of next week…let’s see what happens

”Here is a great article written last August..”The Kuwaiti Dinar: A closer look at the world’s strongest currency”   this talks about the history of the Kuwait dinar and why it is so valued…They have many of the same things going for it that Iraq now has.  What does that tell us? The Iraqi dinar should be worth the same or higher…imo

[via PDK]  There is a lot of good news coming out of Iraq… Lots of good group chatter...There is all kinds of exciting rumors.

[via PDK]   “Sudani: We are proceeding in the wheel of reconstruction and construction despite the challenges facing us”  Sudani says they are meeting and fulfilling their promises to the Iraqi people.  Part of the wheel of reconstruction is the Monetary reform and the White Papers and making the dinar stronger and more valuable.

 The news continues to be great…Things look great and I’m not hearing anything negative...We just have to wait and see what is real …We are getting so many things thrown at us…we don’t know yet what is accurate... Most groups are looking for over the weekend or first of next week…let’s see what happens.

 ”Here is a great article written last August..”The Kuwaiti Dinar: A closer look at the world’s strongest currency”   this talks about the history of the Kuwait dinar and why it is so valued…They have many of the same things going for it that Iraq now has.  What does that tell us? The Iraqi dinar should be worth the same or higher…imo

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...