Tuesday, January 2, 2024


  Sat. 30 Dec. Bearded Patriot USA Telegram Post:

  • A Military Team worked from 24th to the 26th December on NESARA/GESARA and the release of funds. The military worked on NESARA all night long on the 25th because they wanted us all to receive the Abundance. 
  • On Tues. 26 Dec. 2024 GESARA was softly announced publicly to select media outlets through the Starlink Satellite system, which made it legal. 
  • GESARA has started between all governments worldwide.
  • NESARA is now liquid under the USN. The money is flowing.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. the fiat US Dollar became illegal as a legal tender in Iraq.
  • Everything is imminent. Everything changes within 12 hours after the Worldwide Announcement. (Phil G)
  • The Military is in charge, not President Trump, or the White Hats.
  • The Military has been playing 5D chess, along with President Trump, to strategically and meticulously execute the final stages of The Plan.
  • We know timeframes of events, not exact dates.
  • The debts between nations have all been forgiven and wiped clean.
  • Foreign currency will not pay off debt. Foreign currency will help you.
  • Social Security will not exist.
  • The money coming to everyone will come in structured payments up to $5000 for 60 and above, with a possible time frame of  January 2024.
  • Disabled seniors will get $7500. There’s no rules to get the $7500.
  • Anyone proving they have a job will get $1200 per month universal basic income.
  • If you cannot work you will still get the $1200 based on the UBI.
  • There’s 200 programs where everyone will get financial abundance according to GESARA.
  • Everything stolen will be returned 1000 times over and more. This is the day of Abundance that will blow Your Mind.
  • Stop attacking each other. Stop attacking Intel providers. When you are angry and impatient you choose to stay in a negative energy field you damage yourself. Get rid of a mindset of lack. Start thinking ABUNDANCE.
  • Everything is done.
  • There is no kicking the can, No delays. The process is slow because of the legalities. 
  • The World Court is going over the paperwork. The Military is waiting on the World Court for all legalities to be finalized properly between nations according to Common Law.
  • The Cabal lies to the banks and when Bankers found out they were angry. Some bankers quit their jobs because we are so close to the end of this.
  • This is happening now, not in 2025.
  • The Banks are getting ready for the RV and GCR.
  • https://dinarevaluation.blogspot.com/2024/01/rv-update-by-bearded-patriot-1-jan_01076577325.html

 Bearded PatriotUSA Telegram post 12/30/23

Forwarded from Wolverine:

For the first time, Intel’s information was the same! this time!

This information is very good.

Here are some excerpts~

First of all, Mr. Wolverine, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Phil, Mr. Ariel, Mr. Sky, Mr. Dallas, and the people who posted the videos received the same information.

This information is:

A. January 1 Countries will reset their currencies. (Not in all countries, but in some countries where currencies are rumored to be reset.)

B. January 2: Tier 4B will receive an email notification and liquidation of Tier 1, 2, and 3 funds will begin.

C. January 5 Medbed opens to the public and reservations can be made. (Only Skye has received the information in the last 5 days).

Other relevant information:

D. The new US Treasury Bills (gold-backed currency) will be available at ATMs starting January 1.

E. Six US Treasury agents will be stationed at all redemption centers. The United States Treasury Marshals are under the Secret S ervice.

What is a marshal? The Sheriff’s Department provides security for the federal judiciary and administers the witness security program. Manage and sell assets seized or confiscated from criminals.


Sunday, December 31, 2023


 Bearded Patriot

Family:  All I can say is that the 1st of January is supposed to be the final turning point to our new life and blessings for our country.   From that date, our notifications could be imminent.  

 I’m sorry that I can’t be more specific than this , but it seems that everyone’s intel and information that I gather is all over the spectrum. 

Iraq COMPLETELY dropping the US Dollar is a major accomplishment, but they must revalue their dinar in order to move forward on their plans and commitments for their future.  



Wed. 27 Dec. Bearded Patriot

IRAQ has gotten full authority from the IMF to go International. Iraq is already doing International trades with France and Iran. The final electronic platform for other international trades have been completed.

Sat. 25 Nov. Bearded Patriot

 The ONLY exception regarding the currency being paid in full at your appointment is that if your currency is an “extreme amount” they MAY traunch your currency funds over a small period of time (over a few months is what I have been told). What that “extreme amount” is will be up to the exchange center

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