Monday, January 8, 2024

Parliamentary Defense demands the liberation of Iraq’s economy from the American grip, 9 JAN

Parliamentary Defense demands the liberation of Iraq’s economy from the American grip

Information / Baghdad…
A member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Waad Al-Qaddo, called on Monday for liberating Iraq’s economy from the American grip.

Al-Qaddo said in an interview with “Al-Ma’louma” that “America sought directly after 2003 to impose restrictions on Iraq’s economy and finances in various ways, the most important of which isrestricting the flow of oil sales money towards the Federal Reserve, from which it is transferred to the Central Bank in Baghdad, meaning that our financial wealth is like a hostage that is controlled by the Federal Reserve.” “at a distance.”

He added, “The American restrictions on Iraqi funds take multiple dimensions and are used from time to time as a pressure card on governments to achieve their agenda,” pointing out that “liberating our economy from the American grip is a priority that will give greater flexibility in avoiding pressure cards and prevent 5 direct risks that threaten the economy, including manipulation of the parallel market.” “It created confusion about the strength of the dinar and perpetuated the file of corruption created by the American administration.”

He pointed out that “the economy is a dangerous American card that must be paid attention to and strive to crystallize a basket of currencies that will get Baghdad out of the dollar tunnel and its effects.”

The American administration imposes a series of restrictions on the circulation of the dollar and how to deal with it in Iraq, in a blatant interference that has been taking place for many years.

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