Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Despite the international economic downturn. Iraq makes progress in global social progress index, 24 JAN

 Despite the international economic downturn. Iraq makes progress in global social progress index, 24 JAN

Mawazine News – Baghdad
Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Egypt and Iraq have made progress in the progress index, as these countries have already ranked successively, 55, 68, 90, 80, 113 and 118 globally, while Lebanon recorded a decline in this ranking, as it previously occupied 89th, as well as the case of Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, which were successively ranked 82nd, 72, 95 and 100.
Kuwait maintained its ranking in the first place in the Arab world social rankings, issued by the Washington-based non-profit Social Progress Imperial, followed by the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, while Denmark topped the list globally of 170 countries, followed by Norway and Finland.
In its classification of countries, the Social Progress Index is based on 3 basic indicators: basic human needs, the foundations of a decent living, and opportunities.
Each of these indicators is calculated based on 4 factors with equal weight ratios, with a result between zero and one hundred, as stated in the bulletin prepared by the Economic Research Unit at the Lebanese Credit Bank, so that the basic human needs index includes, for example, nutrition factor, basic medical care, water and sanitation, shelter, and personal safety.
As for the indicator of the foundations of living well, it covers the aspects of the availability of basic knowledge, information and communication, health, and environmental quality, while the opportunity index deals with: personal rights, personal freedom, freedom of choice, acceptance of the other and inclusion, and the ability to benefit from higher education.

The global average for 2024, scored 63.44 in the Social Progress Index, and the best performance in the Basic Human Needs Index with a score of 77.04, then the Decent Living Index with a score of 61.52 and the Opportunities Index with a score of 51.76.
The report pointed out that the best result emerged in the shelter standard (80.34), followed by the water and sanitation factor (79.23) and the nutrition and basic medical care factor (77.04), while the worst performance of the global average of the index came under the standard of environmental quality factor (48.97) and the access factor to advanced education (43.04).
The results.. In the numbers

The Social Progress Index helps to understand how people live in the countries of the world, and how to accelerate progress. In its latest report, it revealed that 61 countries have witnessed a significant decline in their social progress in 2023, while another 77 countries are suffering from social recession, and barely 32 countries have made real progress. As a result, it was concluded that four out of five people in the world live in a country where social progress is stagnant or decline.
In numbers, Kuwait scored 73.44 points out of a hundred points, ranked 48th in the world, and in details it received 92.27 points in the basic human needs index, 71.42 points in the welfare foundations index, and 58.64 points in the opportunities index.
While the UAE scored 72.92 points ranked 51st in the world, and won 89.27 points in the Basic Human Needs Index, 75.56 points in the Foundations of Decent Living Index, and 53.93 points in the Opportunities Index.

Qatar ranked 65th in the world with 69.29 points, with 90.02 points in the Basic Human Needs Index, 67.86 points in the Living Well Foundations Index and 49.98 points in the Opportunities Index.
The authority of Oman ranked fourth regionally and 68 in the world, and received 68.52 points in the Social Progress Index, while it scored 87.08 points in the Basic Human Needs Index, 67.14 points in the Foundations of Decener Living Index, and 51.34 points in the Opportunities Index.
As for Jordan, it ranked fifth regionally and 84th in the world, followed by Bahrain, which ranked 89th in the world, followed by Saudi Arabia in 90th place, then Tunisia in 91st, Lebanon in 96th, Algeria 97th, Morocco 101st, Egypt 108th, Iraq 113th, Libya 115th, Syria 139th, Mauritania and Sudan 147th and 155th.
The latter ranks were for African countries, with Chad ranked 168th, Central Africa 169th and South Sudan last.

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