Sunday, January 14, 2024

A thousand dinars angers the owners of the payroll outlets in Amara.. Pictures from the protest against Al-Rafidain, 14 JAN

 A thousand dinars angers the owners of the payroll outlets in Amara.. Pictures from the protest against Al-Rafidain

"Retirees can't bear it anymore"


On Sunday, the owners of outlets for disbursing the salaries of retirees and employees in Maysan organized a protest against a new commission of one thousand dinars imposed by the Rafidain Bank, on withdrawing nationalized salaries, in addition to the previous 3 thousand dinars deducted in exchange for the service of withdrawing one million dinars from the salary.

the details

Rafidain Bank imposed a commission of one thousand dinars on every million withdrawn from salary delivery outlets, in addition to 3 thousand dinars imposed previously, which angered the outlet owners who organized a protest in front of the bank’s branch in Amara.

Haider Abd Falhi - Demonstration Coordinator:

There are 3 things that Rafidain Bank must change, the most prominent of which is adding a thousand dinars commission, which will be a new burden on employees and retirees, and this is what we reject.

In addition, the bank deducts an amount of 3,000 dinars for every withdrawal from the outlets, and this causes us huge losses.

There are matters that the Rafidain Bank has not resolved, most notably the recovery of damaged currency from salaries, and the compensation of outlet owners for the recurring shortage in the amounts received from the bank, and this is what the Rafidain Bank has not yet acknowledged.

Sabah Salem - outlet owner:

The outlet owners deposited deposits in the Rafidain Bank several years ago at a rate of 5 million dinars, which have not been returned yet.

There is rough treatment with outlet owners within the bank, and it would have been better for us to be dealt with in a better way than that, because we conduct large and continuous financial transactions with the bank.

Bassem Muhammad - Director of Al-Rafidain Bank in Al-Amarah:

We cannot change the procedures issued by the public administration in Baghdad, and responding to these protests is within its jurisdiction only.  link

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