Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Parliamentary Committee Reassures: The 2024 Budget Will Not Witness A Financial Deficit,14 JAN

 A Parliamentary Committee Reassures: The 2024 Budget Will Not Witness A Financial Deficit

Economy News – Baghdad    Today, Sunday, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, expected that there would be no financial deficit in Iraq’s fiscal budget for the year 2024, while he confirmed the existence of decisions that require new financial funding.

Al-Kadhimi said, during an interview followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the budget is ongoing and the Ministry of Finance can disburse the allocations of ministries and governorates for the year 2024 normally and without delay, whether operational or investment.”

He added, "The government is submitting amendments to the table of amounts, and these amendments are in the process of being completed and sent to the Finance Committee. They will be studied there, approved by Parliament, and are on their way to implementation."

The member of parliamentary finance explained, “Considering the budget as a tripartite, there are observations made by the government on the experience of last year’s fiscal year 2023, or that there are decisions made by the Council of Ministers that require new financial funding.”

He continues, "There was no financial deficit in the 2023 budget and there was a surplus, but the 2024 budget will not have a financial deficit, especially since oil prices are constantly increasing."

Last June, the House of Representatives approved the financial budget for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025, after a difficult struggle and a series of parliamentary sessions. This budget was considered the largest in the country’s history, with a value of about 153 billion dollars for each year.

Views 69 01/14/2024 -

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